
De Artificiali Perspectiva, or Anamorphosis, 1991 | From the Vaults

Frank Herbert on the origins of Dune (1965)

The Laws of Disorder (1968): Nobel-winning Chemist George Porter on Thermodynamics

Juice Podcast 15 | with Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky and Andrea Moro discuss linguistic and cognitive science (in English)

Atomic Physics and Reality, 1985, Denmark

Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man

Cities of the Gods, 1970 | From the Vaults

The American Documentary: Birth of the Bomb, 1970

History of Cybernetics (1990)

Stephen Jay Gould: DARWINISM NOW. The Royal Institution, 1994

Charles Rosenberg: Medicine in 1764: What it Was, Some Ways it Changed, and Where it Might be Going

Understanding Epidemics: live discussion with Charles Rosenberg, Historian of Medicine and Science, April 26, 2020

Covid Risk Conversation: Yaneer Bar-Yam and Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Isaac Asimov and Gerald K. O'Neill on Human Colonization of Space, 1975

Isaac Asimov talks about SF and it's re-birth since 1938

Beyond the Fringe (Complete)

Who Will Win - a Conscious People or Anti-Democratic Elites? Paul Jay

The Hunt of the Unicorn, 1974 | From the Vaults

Free Voice of Labour: The Jewish Anarchists

Martin Rudwick: Demythologising the Historical 'Conflict' between Geology and Genesis

Heated Debate On Capitalism with America’s Most Prominent Marxist Economist - Richard Wolff