Smotherhood in an Age of Fear

So, in re: this....

How about we show some concern for the fact that because of climate disaster, no matter how supervised and buckled in, no child alive today will have any kind of decent, organized civilization to live in by the time they're our age?

Is that a danger worth attending to? Mightn’t it be just a tad more reasonable a fear? It’s not mentioned in the article, as opposed to juvenile diabetes.

Asking for a friend...please give me an answer or policy position that:

1. Requires no effort or expenditure from me; 

2. Doesn’t offend the averaged social attitudes and behaviors of my cohort and thus threatens to lose me any standing among my fellow cohortees if I follow it; 

3. Doesn’t threaten my self-image as a moral paragon of a parent and citizen dead-set against anyone who would threaten my rational choices; and

4. Why are you writing this instead of supervising your 4-year-old daughter’s resiliency-enhancing coding training session—neglecter!

Other than that, I’m willing to do anything—anything—for my children.