FAIR: Bloomberg’s Armsmaker-Funded Columnist Wants You to Know: Military Spending Is Woke

If you're shocked, you're, well, a fool. Sorry, but you're being lied to and spun literally all the time by people who think you're a fucking easily-led fool. Don't prove them right. Do your homework. Check your sources.

You: "Nah. I'd rather shop online."

A taste:

One passage in particular displays a rather goofy notion of what “progressive” means (emphasis added):
"The progressive critique misses the fact that military spending already serves progressive ends. Yes, defense spending benefits the executives who run major defense contractors, just as infrastructure spending benefits the executives of companies that build highways and airports and schools. But the Pentagon budget also serves as a huge jobs program and source of economic security for the middle class. This includes the roughly 2 million people who serve either on active duty or in the reserves and 730,000 civilian employees. The vast majority of them qualify as middle class and enjoy precisely the sort of healthcare and other benefits progressives seek to provide for the population as a whole."
See, if only all 330 million Americans could work in the military industry, building bombs and F-35s, no one would die due to preventable disease or an inability to afford chemotherapy. To Brands, the most “progressive” vision for society is the Klingon Empire—a perpetual war state where service to large-scale mechanized violence is the cost of survival. The idea that healthcare could, maybe, not be tethered to exporting weapons, occupation, hundreds of military bases, CIA dirty tricks and bombings is simply not an option. Progressives’ only hope: piggyback off US imperialism which evidently, to Brands, is simply a law of nature like ocean tides or entropy.
Read it all here.