Is this Der Stürmer?
From the Miami Herald. Note the unintentional irony -- apparently, one of our core moral values is transferring tried-and-true anti-Semitic stereotypes onto Arabs:
Am I exaggerating? You decide: here's a lovely issue of Der Stürmer, from the German Propaganda Archive: (From the linked page:
Am I exaggerating? You decide: here's a lovely issue of Der Stürmer, from the German Propaganda Archive: (From the linked page:
"This is the cover to the most infamous issue of Der Stürmer, the 1934 issue accusing Jews of practicing ritual murder to secure the blood of Christians to use in Jewish religious rituals. The headline reads: Jewish Murder Plan against Gentile Humanity Revealed. The issue actually got banned by the Nazis after it had been out for a while, not because of anti-Semitic content, but because it compared alleged Jewish ritual murder with the Christian sacrament of communion. A full English translation of the issue was published in the United States in 1976 by a group in the 'Christian Identity' tradition.
Special Issue: May 1934")I might add that the footer means, "The Jews are our misfortune!"