Here's how to do it:
Dear Mr Tarnopol,
Thank you for your email and your support for our Gaza appeal.
Giving a donation like that [i.e., online here; the amount in pounds will be changed to dollars (or whatever)] using your credit card should work although it might be easier to donate via bank transfer. If you wanted to do so the details are as follows:
Bank: Co-operative Bank
Address: 80 Cornhill, London EC3V 3NJ
Account name: DEC Gaza Crisis Appeal Acct 19
Account Number: 653 18685
Sort Code: 08-02-28
IBAN No: GB22 CPBK 0802 2865 318685
Thank you in advance for your support.
All the best
[Took the name out, just in case.]
Donations Assistant
Disasters Emergency Committee
1st Floor, 43 Chalton Street, London, NW1 1DU
tel: 020 7387 0200 fax: 020 7387 2050