Recommendation: Buy, Borrow, or Steal (and then Read) the Library of America's Debate on the Constitution

Bernard Bailyn edited this wonderful collection [link below] of the Federalist Papers, the anti-Federalist Papers, and a ton of other stuff--and all put in chronological order so you can easily follow the argument in near-real-time.

Essentially, these are the greatest op-eds ever written, as far as I know. Plenty to laud, plenty to damn, plenty to learn. And the mofos tended to, like, you know, do good writes as like all them guys had did, just like as today's American especially Trump does!

Woah: when looking online for a link to this edition just now, I found out that there's a sale at the LoA: you can get both volumes, plus their volume of Jefferson writings, for six bucks.

Not that I'm any kind of expert, but I'd recommend the following for background:
  • Isaac Kramnick's intro to the Penguin edition of the Federalist Papers (at least back-in-the-day's edition)
  • Bailyn's Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, and 
  • Gore Vidal's Inventing a Nation.
Shit, read Vidal's Burr, too. Novels can get at things history can't; looser rules. Happy reading!

And, of course, as always: Trump delenda est.


Your Ever-Faithful Servant,
