Zack De La Rocha Interviews Noam Chomsky on NAFTA in 1999

Note that Zack does a far better job than any actual journalist. Why? Because journalism isn't hard: do research, ask intelligent questions, let the subject answer, follow-up; lather, rinse, repeat.

Oh, it does require you have some fucking integrity if you don't just want to be a whore who makes a lot of money. No offense against an old profession, of course, and one far more honest than (most) journalism.

File this under, "No one could possibly have foreseen what these free-trade (sic) agreements (sic) would lead to, including a far-right, xenophobic reaction. Nope. No one knew. Just like no one knew about any of the other obviously predictable effects of neoliberal policies at home and neoconservative policies abroad. No one. Chuck Todd and his ilk said nothing, so no one else could possibly have known. Hey, when's Rachel Maddow on? I need to wallow in fiction while bashing Trumpers for wallowing in fiction."