Stephen Miller is a Nazi. Yes, a Jewish Nazi. It happens.

I don't think I’m exaggerating here: what do you do with people out to kill off the very country itself, and all its decent inhabitants? These liberals stabbing the nation in the back--what, exactly, do you do with these people?

Here's what Miller said on Fox to Chris Wallace, who I guess to him is some pussy-ass liberal, too:

"Throughout this interview, Chris, you’re continuing to conflate Donald Trump’s criticisms of President Obama versus AOC’s deep and systemic criticisms of the country itself. 

"And so, let me just cut to the heart of the issue. These four congresswomen detest America as it exists, as it is currently constructed. They want to tear down the structure of our country. They want it to be a socialist, open borders country. 

"If you, as Donald Trump says, want to destroy America with open borders, you cannot say you love your country. If you attack border agents the way that Ocasio-Cortez has, it means you have a deep-seated hatred of the nation as it exists. That’s why you want to erase its borders, fundamentally transform the country and in the process, it doesn’t matter if American citizens lose their jobs, lose their homes, lose their livelihoods, lose their health coverage and lose their very lives."

Now antifa and anyone else—No More Deaths, too?—are, unofficially-ish, “domestic terrorists.” Thanks, Ted Cruz.

I mean, they're out to destroy the country and kill every last (decent, white, or just Trump-unloving?) person in it. 

That’s a problem that demands a solution. And not a temporary one. Perhaps this time it’ll be outsourced, Radio Rwanda-like, to some of the millions of heavily armed, Trump-loving maniacs out there.

Perhaps this mentally diseased, hateful little shit will come up with a good idea on that. While calling anyone who disagrees a mentally diseased, hateful little shit out to invent a final solution. And half the media will fall for it; half my friends will fall for it.