Donate to the Organization that Sent that Racist Pittsburgh Fucknut Around the Bend

Had never heard of it; used to be the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. It's now just an acronym since Jews have tended not to be refugees since World War II. But the organization kept it up--for non-Jews.

What a bunch of selfish assholes, I know. "Welcome the stranger; protect the refugee." Yeah, awful stuff--very un-Christian, too! Well, you know how those people are. You know--pushy. Hey, I'm just saying out loud what everyone thinks!

Donate here.

Meanwhile, this guy, Stephen Miller's uncle, nails it: this shit is pure Nazism. That's right: N-A-Z-I-S-M. The full transcripts to this segment and the next one aren't up yet, but this just about covers what you need to hear:

We also speak with Dr. David Glosser, a retired neuropsychologist who has volunteered with HIAS in Philadelphia. Glosser is the uncle of Stephen Miller, a key political adviser to President Trump who has pushed for a crackdown on immigrants. Glosser speaks directly to his [nephew; sic] Stephen Miller, saying, 'It’s absolutely unacceptable to utilize hatred and bigotry to advance your political ends. This is a shallow, shabby expression of ambition. It’s poisonous to the country, destructive to society, and a complete repudiation of your own background and your own past.'

Funny how this guy managed to stand up and say something, even in public, to a member of his family who supports Trump. Why haven't you--and in whatever fashion you deem apt and whatnot? Is it "love" and "respect"? Really? I think it's much more "cowardice."

Or, to put it more nicely, here's the head of HIAS on it"It’s incumbent upon all of us to call out hate wherever we see it, don’t let it pass — whether it be at our Thanksgiving table, we can’t just allow our crazy uncle to go off on a racist tirade, we have to call him on it."

Of course, right off the block, Trump turned around and Nazi-gaslighted the media, calling them, again, the enemy of the people and entirely responsible for this, unlike him and his own fucking words. Both typical fascist propaganda and typical weak, spoiled-brat, responsibility-fleeing from Trump, the biggest, most easily triggered snowflake on the planet. More the former; he knows EXACTLY what he's doing; if nothing else (and I think it's actually "nothing else"), this scumbag understands media manipulation and how to deploy hate speech for political gain. There is literally no way on earth he doesn't understand what he's doing, and he has since at least the Central Park Five case.

Trump will always n-tuple down--he'll throw out a fig leaf of boilerplate violence-is-bad bullshit...and then go right back to his usual hate speech that half the country apparently fucking loves.

As Stephen Miller's uncle, David Glosser, put it, with absolute accuracy:
We have now been subject to the consequences of our political leaders abandoning their moral responsibilities. The question has been asked: What happens when hate speech becomes legitimized and it becomes acceptable in our political discourse to condemn and vilify innocent people on the basis of race, religion, national origin or color? The answer has made itself very clear in the last few days, and in the last week with the pipe bomb attacks upon political opponents of Mr. Trump. 
Mr. Trump has made it his policy to vilify and dehumanize Hispanics, Muslims, nonwhites, calling them subhuman animals that are infesting our country like so many insects or rats. Make no mistake about it: This is the same kind of propaganda that is identical to the racist rants at Nazi Party rallies in Germany in the 1930s. Now Trump spews the same poisonous messages to his supporters and claims innocence when this inflammatory vitriol is sprayed over society. He claims innocence now that this political gasoline catches fire and people get hurt and killed. 
I’m horrified by it. I’d love to say I was surprised, but I’m not. More shockingly, the Republican Congress has tolerated his vilification. Where have been their cries of outrage? They’re the so-called responsible people in our country, in positions of political leadership. Their silence has been deafening. I would say that this silence tends to legitimize the crazy conspiracy theories, the hate speech, the threats, the violent acts of the most noxious white nationalist elements of the American political spectrum. 
Mr. Trump is even unashamed to tell us that among the chanting Nazis in Charlottesville, there were many fine people, drawing a false moral equivalency between those protesting against these kinds of actions and the Nazis themselves. Should we now be surprised that well-armed white nationalist bigots, isolated—isolated, friendless loners seeking validation for their empty lives, that they act out on their hate? I think not. 
Now, Mr. Trump didn’t pull the trigger in the synagogue. He didn’t mail those bombs. But for the first time in 50 years, he’s made bigoted hate speech in America a legitimate tool of political manipulation. His endless barrage of excited hatred threats and lies has consequences, as we have seen. I regard Mr. Trump as a hopeless moral imbecile, indifferent to the deadly consequences of his inflammatory conduct. 
But those politicians who know better still do not say much. They don’t stand up and loudly denounce his hate speech. They don’t denounce his lies. They’re hypocrites. They’re cowards. Their deafening silence condemns them more loudly than any courtroom ever could. 
And so, what can we say? We have to take the actions that are most prudent, that are most—that are loudest, that are the most effective. That means getting out and voting. Vote your conscience.
What are you going to do about it? My wife and I are a thousand bucks in with the Democrats, the only game in town. It's something; not enough.

Meanwhile, I'm literally a lifelong atheist. Totally secular to the core. No real connection to Judaism; not a giant fan of Israel, to say the least.

But to all the antisemites out there: Yeah, I'm Jewy Jew-Jew for the purposes of saying so to you fucking assholes. J-O-O. A Red-Sea pedestrian. Etc.

I'm also a Muslim, if necessary; also a Mexican, trans, and anyone else these fascist pieces of shit hate. If you aren't, too, then you're a coward. It's pretty much that simple.

PS: Jared, Ivanka--you all OK with this? Of course you are! Just like Netanyahu's kid loves retweeting actual antisemitic memes, as long as Soros is the target. Hard to come up with a word to describe that kind of void of a human being.