Trumpful Realism?

This is sick. Trump makes himself and fucking Lincoln the center of attention, with Lincoln’s face unseen, like Muhammad’s, but gazing clearly at Trump. Everyone else crowds in to bask in their dual glow. 

Yet Trump’s literally above Lincoln in the composition. Sickening. And the vague 19thC background…with a woman, oddly smack in the sweet spot—and not a dusky one to be seen. Reactionary Thomas Hart Benton?

Where’s Hoover? (He's nearly hiding behind the post.) It's all obviously about proximity to power and greatness. I read that the artist, who made an equally disgusting Democratic version, put the woman in both, marching up to the table. Which pretty much is the alpha and omega of feminism to most latte-sippers, a trait they share with the Trumpian fascists happy to see Sarah Palin, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Susan Collins, Betsy De Vos, you name 'em on the fascism train. One of the leaders of the fascists in Germany (AfD) is a fucking lesbian after all

Maybe liberals should drop this mindless identity politics crap now? (Keep the nonbullshit version, of course.) Nah, they won't. What else could they do to get out the vote? Fight for actual progressive policies? They'd rather not.

Guys, seriously--the latte-sippers will Twitter, but this is a harbinger of the kind of fascism Trump would love to institute. Him and forty percent of the fucking country. Yet I have rich friends still debating whether or not to write a check before November--the simplest, easiest, most neoliberal-outsourcing of political action imaginable. 

Well, priorities, you know.