A phenomenally good investigative journalist...

...needs YOUR help!

Forgive the fundraising post, but Robert Parry's virtually unique Consortium News site (peruse it here) needs financial help.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Yeah, everything sucks, but what can I do?"

Well, here's what you can do: give some money to someone working on actually bringing facts and rational analysis to an increasingly wide public.

Without breaking through the informational barriers in our society, nothing will change. As should be clear to everyone now, the Democrats will not save us, even with the White House.

I'll make the obvious pun: If you don't like the thrust of our media-political system, Parry it!

I have just bought his latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush. I have read his other books, and they are top-notch. This is my Xmas gift to myself and to my wife! Of course, if you can give more, please do.

Donations are tax-deductible; honest and dedicated investigative reporters such as Mr. Parry are worth their weight in gold. (Or should I say oil?) Please consider giving what you can.

In Parry's own words...

Two Ways to Help Consortiumnews.com

There are two easy ways you can help us raise the money to pay our bills and invest in new investigative projects:

One, you can buy a copy of our important new book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, through the publisher's Web site at http://www.neckdeepbook.com. For each purchase, $5 will be rebated to Consortiumnews.com.

Or, you can make a tax-deductible donation. For donations of $100, we will send you an autographed gift copy of Neck Deep in paperback. For $150 or more, we will send the hard cover version.

You can make your tax-deductible donation, either by a credit card online or by mailing a check. For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named "consortnew@aol.com."

Thanks, and best wishes to all...

Best, Doug