Liza Featherstone, Jacobin: Warren Is No Hillary. She’s Also No Bernie.

Some sanity. If I catch any Bernie supporters trashing Warren, they get shot down. Warren supporters should do the same. Should, but won't, just as most Sanders supporters won't, because people are irresponsible idiots who flock to identity-based, narcissistic horseshit like flies to the previous noun.

Can anyone not be a fucking idiot, for, like, two seconds in a row? Just about every Thought-Leading op-ed writer is a professional liar and propagandist. There are very few exceptions: and I include most of those on "my side."

Featherstone, however, is absolutely first-rate; read the whole thing, but here's the intro:

Elizabeth Warren is not a neoliberal.

Characterizing Warren as a “neoliberal” or, even more stupidly, a “Clintonite,” some misguided online Bernie Sanders supporters seem to be trying to cast her as the archvillain in the sequel to 2016’s horror flop, Hillary. With Warren’s advocacy for aggressive government regulation, her support for redistributive programs, her sharp critique of antisocial corporate behavior, and her rejection of individualistic folklore (remember “You didn’t build that”?), she’s emerged as a relatively mild but nevertheless quite serious opponent of neoliberal ideology — the worldview in which markets can solve everything and, in Margaret Thatcher’s words, “There is no such thing as society.”

If Bernie Sanders weren’t running, an Elizabeth Warren presidency would probably be the best-case scenario. Warren is a “good liberal,” a species that nearly went extinct after Jesse Jackson’s 1988 campaign and has only recently been spotted again roaming the savannahs of Washington, DC. Left and socialist organizing has been at least partly responsible for the resurgence of this highly vulnerable political animal; we should claim credit for such creatures, not misclassify them.

However, while Warren isn’t a neoliberal, Sanders supporters aren’t the only ones making shit up. Her own supporters have been spinning a series of fictitious narratives rooted in classic neoliberal identity politics, using feminism and anti-racism to discredit Sanders’s socialist agenda.

The rest of the article details just how that is going down. And it works; I see it literally working in real time among people I know. Well.