This might, like, you know, kinda help explain the "caravan" and whence it came. And shit.

I mean, if you want to find a reason other than, "They're all lazy criminal Muslim Mexican terrorists coming to destroy our freedoms and rape white women with their superior animal-phalluses which forces me to think I might be gay," which is pretty much what the Republican base seems to believe. I'm almost not satirically kidding about that.

Oh, yeah: the link. And this might be of some note, too: click on the guest after the headlines to see such tellingly titled segments as "Brother of Honduran President Is Arrested for Cocaine Trafficking as Migrants Flee Violent Drug War."

Now, to make my post "sticky," I should, despite my obvious desire to tamp down on needless, quite dangerous fear, post a photo of masses of faceless brown people climbing a fence. You know, for the Resistance (TM)!

Nah. Here's the pic: