NYT: "The Insect Apocalypse Is Here"

Nothing much to see here--nothing that will improve your personal brand, nothing to add to your LinkedIn profile, nothing positive-thinking that mindfully expands your leadership skillset.

It's nothing much, really. Just yet another indication of the literal apocalypse we're happily creating--yes, even while we just love our kids to bits. "We're such great parents! I mean, I paid you a hundred bucks an hour to get Ashley's 95th percentile score on the SAT up to the 98th! Doesn't that mean I'm a great parent? Why are you so mean?"

How many Americans you think know what "ecosystem" actually means? Or "food web?" Or "trophic level?"

We’re all about to get a real lesson.

Punchline: The lesson will go unlearned: it’ll all be blamed on some combination of Mexicans, Muslims, and probably also Soros-Jews: "Soros paid Mexicans to destroy bees with drugs, radical Islam, and possibly also by raping their queens in order to force the US to let them in to hand-fertilize our plants. Build a wall to keep them out!"

No insects means the end of the ecosystem, humans, and that's it, folks. Keep shopping.