CNN and MSNBC Pull the Same Bullshit on their Viewers in re: Sanders

Desperate, lying frauds, of course. The problem is, people will buy this, both those who are already Biden bots and lack the spine or integrity to question what sounds good and those who don't get what CNN and MSNBC are: as much wings of the centrist Democrats as Fox is of the Trump administration. The poll described below is effectively, if not literally, a push-poll.

Huh. Just sorta left out that the poll's population was skewed as fuck. Whoopsy-daisy!

Now, just out of some totally random coincidence, Maddow makes precisely the same kind of error talking about the gender breakdown of Sanders' individual donors. Just by accident, I'm sure, as you can't expect a Rhodes Scholar to, like, attend to details such as "this study reflects only donors of $200 or more; if you take into account individual donations of all sizes, Sanders is 46 female/54 male; and is also without a doubt the candidate the largest number of women have donated to, as a matter of pure magnitude, not percentages."

Sorta, like, undermines the living fuck out of Maddow's fourth-rate cutesy-bullshit innuendo. I hate the pose: she goes all sort of Ivy League Jimmy Stewart "Well, I -- uh, uh, uh -- gosh darn it, golly-gee. If this don't beat all, well, uh, I -- I -- I -- I hate to even bring this up but I'm just forced, out of the basic decency of my glowing soul, to point out this discrepancy. I use Numbers and the like, so you can trust me. Gosh, Mayor Pete, Sanders. Just not sustainable...and so totally not-odd how much these women-haters can't get a self-respecting female to support them. I'm sorry to have to say this, of course. I'm just doing my job, reporting the truth. Innuendo? What innuendo? [Backs away with false shock.] Gee, shucks, I'm just a humble, ink-stained wretch of a working journalist, after all. You must be some kind of Putin agent."

Cenk's wrong: there's no way professional pollsters, or people reporting on the poll, or people reporting on a donor report they themselves made could make this kind of mistake. No possible way. No one is that conveniently incompetent.

They fucking hate Sanders, especially, but also Warren, their policies, (real) progressives in general, and any threat to their multimillion-dollar feeding trough and mostly unearned and certainly no longer deserved positions of power.

That's about the size of it; the mundane and tawdry is usually right.

You are all marks, people. That's what both parties and pretty much the whole media system considers you to be, aside from consumers. You're useful idiots to them. That's it. They think they can flatter and manipulate you at fucking will.

Your choice is to prove them right or wrong.