Edgardo Lander on Venezuela, the coup attempt, Maduro, and lefty news coverage

A playlist consisting of a recent interview on The Real News, a recent debate on Democracy Now with a Venezuelan governmental representative, and an interview from a few months ago with The Real News about what Lander thought the way forward should be. He is, of course, anti-US (or anyone else's) intervention, but TRNN and DN (especially TRNN) insist on going beyond the usual two-camp-mentality-driven oversimplification of everything into two, and only two, mutually exclusive options, each of which expressed via emotionally potent oversimplifications designed to manufacture consent.

They, in other words, not only read, not only name-check, Manufacturing Consent -- they actually  followed its obvious advice. They didn't PR-weaponize it to use as a bludgeon against others while they go on their merry way, PR-weaponizing while calling it "journalism."

Never expect less; when you see less, you're being manipulated. Period.

No, it doesn't matter if you agree or not with Lander. The point is that, unlike the mainstream media on this issue and regime-change in general, these Deeply Ideological Stalinist TASS Outlets, for reasons of professional pride and intellectual honesty, will actually provide a voice to their subscribers -- subscribers, mind you, their bread and butter -- that they don't want to hear.

That's journalism. Not doing that is advertising.