Laura Ingraham, Steve King (R-Iowa): Pretty much xenophobic, racist fascists

Yep. Sorry -- if you like them, you're scum, too. I don't care if we grew up together or you're in my family or among my in-laws. That's the deal.

Hey, I ain't a liberal; I hate identity politics; I don't believe in safe spaces; and I'm neither an epistemological nor moral relativist, so, yes, I think people should take moral responsibility for their actions (and inactions) in the world.

So, those two -- and you -- are scumbag fascist garbage fit only to be politically defeated (and socially ostracized). Not coddled; not "understood"; not listened to. No.

What progressives should and would do if and when they win is actually fix whatever bit of this neofascist orgy is economically based or driven. Which should shave off a bit of it.

The rest of you? Literally couldn't care less about you except insofar as you're a problem to be solved.

And many liberals and "centrists" will read that and start to cry. OK, fine, you go compromise with Nazis, then; with people who deny global warming exists. Which will literally destroy the lives of your children. You go play footsies with them.

Here's that twat Ingraham giving a Nazi salute at the RNC in 2016. Yeah, she meant it -- give me a fucking break. But plenty of latte-sippers will go into an ashram to explore their feeling-energies to see if they're really being totally fair to her. Which is why they're winning.