So...the Catholic Church can't sell some artworks and pay for Notre Dame's reconstruction?

To say nothing about the state of Francewhich is hardly, like, "poor." No, cap in hand to squeeze yet more funds out of people. Not as an ancillary; that's the plan. You all fucking pay for it.

What, the Church needs to keep as much money as possible for the endless trials covering up a global child-abuse network? Is that it?

I mean, Ratzburger, or whatever his name was—Pope Nazi—just said again that the fault lay in the 1960s sexual revolution.

That makes sense. You no doubt recall that the key aspect of the sixties sexual revolution was using a religion and its institutions to rape children and cover it up. It was pretty much the point; the song was “Let's Get Some Children and Use Their Religion to Sodomize them and Cover It Up.” 

You probably heard it differently—but soon you’ll be attacked with Sexual Revolution Ebola, and it’ll reprogram your neurons. 

It's all PR after all, right! Yay--fuck facts!