The Ruling Class (1972)

A satire that cuts to the heart of the issue. You know, what satire (good, bad, or indifferent) has been understood to be for since Roman times.

But since I've been told by brilliant latte-sippers that they "don't understand" satire, let me give the main lines here of this film. For the rest, this is possibly Peter O'Toole's finest performance, and that's saying a lot.

Skip the italics below if you haven't seen the film.

1. A benevolently crazy rich dude thinks he's Jesus, love, and all the rest. Usefully crazy and universally rejected.

2. Under the pressure and influence of soulless rich fucks, he's converted into a neofascist serial killer. To wide acclaim.

Get it? The ruling class is full of shit and will turn to fascists, even beyond their usual rightwingedness, to protect their rice bowls. It's called, "history." Got it now? Great. Glad to have helped; I enjoy remedial education.