The Intercept and the ICIJ on ICE's Widespread Use of Solitary Confinement (ie, Torture) on Migrants

So, when you see Uncle Racist Trump-Loving Fuckhead next --the one you lack the courage to confront which you launder to yourself as "tolerance" (the term you're searching for is "Good German") -- ask him if he's OK with this.

He will be. Because Uncle Racist, etc, and millions of people in this country, are aching for a Führer.

But, for the love of God, don't hurt their precious little feelings! Don't use any of your leverage, as a loved one, to bring them back to sanity!

Because that'd be just morally wrong. No, far better to be a Good German and launder your cowardice so it comes out as moral superiority.

Well, at least you can read this, and then privately decry it in such a way that ensures you expend zero time, money, effort (just reading it was enough!), social capital in your family, and all the rest.

(Much more here at the ICIJ's portal.)

You'll be a good little German once the concentration camp population diversifies, too. Anything else would be just plain rude.

And we can't have that.

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