Trump’s Special Snowflakes All Hurted By Deserved Rejection: “Sad!”

Usually not a fan of Valenti but she’s spot on here. Trump supporters—the weakest snowflakes on the planet—love to whine and cry about how it’s “prejudiced” for people to hold them accountable for their actions. Actually, judging by the only evidence anyone ever gets about what MLK rightly said was “the content of one’s character” (that is, what people should be judged by, as opposed to the color of their skin, place of origin, sex/gender, religion or lack of it, sexual orientation, etc.)—which would be one’s actions, of course—is the very opposite of prejudice. But the opposite of prejudice is now “prejudice,” in pure Orwellian-fascist style, whereas the cheering on of caging children in concentration camps is perfectly OK. Laudable—and we’ll have a tantrum if you call it “prejudice,” because to do so is now defined as “prejudice.” 

Hey, it’s the parents’ fault, anyway, right?

(Reality check: that was literally the same argument given by the Obama admin when people asked why an American citizen’s son could also be drone-assassinated: he should have had a better father. How outraged were you then?)

OK, fine: if someone wants to play that crazy game, great. Have a ball. Note that “free speech” actually doesn’t mean “everyone must agree with you.” No, that’s what the mattress-dragging SJWs you hate to a degree that is quite telling do, supposedly. (“Telling”: you love them; you need them desperately as the fig leaf hiding the reality of what you are from yourself by pointing at the mote in someone else’s eye) 

Yes, anyone who would like to continue to support Trump’s insanity certainly can and will—and I don’t need to have anything to do with those walking disasters who claim, wrongly, that they’re sane, rational, decent people. They’re not; they’re Good Germans, at best. At best—and that they love their kids and dogs makes literally no impression on me at all other than highlighting how nice they are to what they consider “us” while being fascist sadists to those they consider “them.” If they actually don’t buy any of it but, like a former friend of mine from high school told me, “just want their tax cut,” OK, that might even be worse.

Yeah, my bar is, like, just a tad higher than that even if it—gasp!—causes some friction. Uh, yeah: “keeping the peace” is a wonderful notion in a relationship, in a family, in a nation, in a species. But not at all costs and against all other decent considerations.

So these paragons of personal responsibility, these rejecters of special safe spaces for snowflakes, these bootstrap-pullers who require no handouts from anyone can now enjoy the fruits by which actually decent people judge them, following the good advice in the New Testament they claim to love and have probably never read (if so, they projected their sickness onto it and worship that—ie, themselves), which is the same story with their beloved Constitution. They have no clue about the Bible, the Constitution, and how not to be a fucking asshole at all, but they’ll claim you’re an “elitist” if you point this out. Because they’re the specialest wittle snowflakes on earth—they need a massive cultural affirmative action program that makes them the specialest wittle category with the specialest wittle rules—a whole different set of rules for poor wittle pwecious thems. 

Utter hypocrites, that is—and I mean more than we all are most of the time.

So they can suck it up—including Sanders, who supports a president and party that finds it peachy to deny wedding cakes to gay people if someone can cry “religious freedom.” So, uh, no, you don’t get a safe space in your local Taco Bell if you’re a known collaborator with this proto-fascist regime. Which, all else aside, is dead set against ever doing a thing to stop global warming. While accusing “fascist liberals” of destroying the future. Projection much?

So, no, they’re out of decent society. Forever. Till they die. Or, of course, change their minds and make amends—that’s fine and welcome. Keep acting out? You get nowhere with me, at least, and probably not at all in any decent society.

If I see Spicey traipsing around Barrington, where I have a lot of students now, I’ll give him a piece of my mind, too. So should you—there has to be a price, a cost, a punishment for supporting the worst of the worst. 

Ignore all the crocodile tears—“Oh, how means you all are to poor wittle me—how dare you be upset that I support sadistic insanity—but I’m your brother/uncle/wife/friend/whatever. How can you be so mean? Don’t I get special treatment because of my pre-existing condition, a relationship with you? [Cries.]”

That move, whether the person is using it consciously as a weapon, or means it, or both (you’ll never know), is designed to tweak and bait and distract and otherwise annoy the non-insane for the benefit of the Trumpers’ acting out their undiagnosed, untreated mental illness. Which is what this is; that’s what fascism always is: untreated mental illness, or, if you like, deep-seated immorality. Take your pick according to your worldview, but what it isn’t is something anyone should spend any time on other than working to defeat. The Trumpers are saying, “I want it all—I’m a big fat baby who never pulled up my pants and dealt with my own will to hate and destroy, so your role is to coddle me and remove all opprobrium because I’m such a weak little hypocrite I can’t even take the obvious predictable reaction to my now public depravity. The depravity I didn’t have the balls to display until Daddy Trump made it OK.” I mean, they don’t even have the courage of their own convictions—the cowards.

You feel you need to kowtow to that, have at it. I don’t.

Yes, that the Nazi snowflakes’ wittle feewings get all hurted when those around them object to their sadistic narcissism shouldn’t even be on your list of priorities. Unless, of course, you think your role is to coddle fascists—the ones who don’t want even actual infants coddled by their own mothers. 

Your choice, and, if the NYT/NPR/NewYorker circuit and those that take their lead from them—the latte-sippers who think that “unity” is the most important feature of a nation-state (itself a totalitarian notion, not that these Ivy League liberals would know that—they’re so smart they actually don’t need to know anything; they have sheepskins to display, you see)—will do as much work on the Trumpers’ behalf on this score as possible.

Because, let’s be honest—no one’s coming for the latte-sippers. And they know it. They’ll do fine under Trump; they just don’t like their own team not represented. Unfair? Yes, to the extent you see any of them actually DOING anything about Trump that requires any effort or expenditure, it’s unfair to call their opprobrium mostly decorative virtue-signalling. Even if the really, really believe in everything they say they do: belief without action is not much help. 

You can check how full of shit the people you know are and will be right here, where all non-dark-money donations are publicly recorded. Put up or shut up: the Christian fascists are winning because they show up and do the work. So if you have disposable time and income and don’t make a huge effort on both fronts to elect one hopes progressives but in any event Democrats in November, you’re full of shit, and possibly even worse than the Trumpers.

Lather, rinse, repeat: the usual human story. Caring about others, actively, is hard. Selfishness is easy. 

Republicans are very worried about “civility” these days. They’re mad that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was forced to leave a Washington DC restaurant after being confronted by protesters, upset that Stephen Miller was called a fascist when the White House adviser was eating Mexican food, and horrified that press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant by the establishment’s owner. Some young Trump supporters in DC are even down in the dumps that they can’t seem to get a date.
We’re told that the left is being intolerant at best, and at worst - as one Fox News contributor put it - a “mob” that is “approaching near anarchy.” 
They haven’t seemed to consider the simplest answer: that when you do and defend terrible things, people don’t really want to be around you.