Out Like Flynn: Michael Flynn Faces the Wall

You got a great home here, Mikey, for the rest of your life. Nobody gets near you; you're not goin' anywhere.

Ah that's great—that's beautiful. Some deal I made.

Ah, you'll live like a king—you'll be a hero. You'll live better in here than most people on the outside.

Some deal, sheesh.

[FLYNN throws the cue on the pool table.]

CUT TO: The compound at Camp David. BANNON is leaning against a brick wall.

Immunity—FLYNN got immunity. How'd they get their hands on him?

MCCAIN. He engineered it, Mr. President. Mikey went to make a deal with the Koch Brothers—and they tried to kill him. Our people with the New York developers said he was half dead, scared stiff, and calling out loud that you'd turned on him. They already had him on perjury, undisclosed lobbying, and a lot more.

The FBI has him air-tight—he's on an army base with twenty-four hour guards.

No way we can get to him. If we don't, it's up to five counts of perjury.

What about JUNIOR? What does he know?

He says he doesn't know anything—and I believe him. MCCAIN, well, he—he played this one beautifully.

I want to talk to JUNIOR.

CUT TO: TRUMP walking into the boat house at Camp David. KEITH SCHILLER leaves and JUNIOR stays in his chair. TRUMP sits down.

I haven't got a lot to say, Dad.

We have time.

I was kept pretty much in the dark. I didn't know all that much.

What about now? Is there anything you can help me out with? Anything you can tell me now?

They've got FLYNN, that's all I can tell you.

[TRUMP stands up.]

I didn't know it was gonna be a hit, Dad I swear to god, I didn't know it was going to be a hit. ROB GOLDSTONE bumped into me in Mar-A-Lago, and he said that he wanted to talk. He said that you and—and—PUTIN were in on a—a—big deal together on sanctions. And that there was something in it for me if I'd help 'em out. He said that—he said that—you were bein' tough on the negotiations. But if they could get a little help and close the deal fast, it'd be good for the family.

You believed that story. You believed that.

He said there was something in it for me. On my own.

I've always taken care of you, JUNIOR.

Taken care of me? I’m a grown man, and you take care of me? Did you ever think about that? Did you ever once think about that? Send JUNIOR off to do this; send JUNIOR off to do that! Let JUNIOR go take care of some Mickey Mouse hotel somewhere! Send JUNIOR to pick Russian prostitutes up at the airport! I’m your oldest son, Dad, and I was stepped over. By Ivanka!

That's the way your Pop wanted it.

It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I’m smart—not like everyone says, like, dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!

Is there anything else you can tell me about this investigation?

The special prosecutor, MUELLER -- he belongs to HILLARY.

JUNIOR, you’re nothing to me know. You’re not a son, you’re not a friend. I don’t want to know you or what you do. I don’t want to see you at the hotels; I don’t want you near my house. When you see your siblings, I want to know a day in advance, so I won’t be there. You understand?

[JUNIOR doesn't answer. TRUMP walks off.]


CUT TO: KEITH SCHILLER sitting in a chair. TRUMP walks up to him.

I don't want anything to happen to him…while I’m still in office.