Trump Talks to Cohen: A Transcript

INTERIOR of the Oval Office.

COHEN alone in the office. He is drinking a Diet Coke. He looks up at the sound of cars; the Trump spawn are arriving. Then he hears footsteps.

The door opens; in a robe, with slippers, President TRUMP slowly enters the room. He walks directly to a stuffed armchair and sits down. His face is stern as he looks into COHEN’s eyes.

Give me a drop.

COHEN hands his glass to TRUMP.

My wife is crying upstairs. I hear cars coming to the house. Consigliere of mine, I think you should tell your president what everyone seems to know.

I didn’t tell Melania anything. I was about to come up and wake you, just now, and tell you.

But you needed a drink first.

(Whispers.) Yeah.

And now you’ve had your drink.

They raided my hotel room and office. We’re dead.

TRUMP slumps and then gathers himself.

I want all inquiries made. I want many acts of vengeance. (Pause.) I want you to arrange a meeting with the heads of the five friendly media outlets...the war starts now.

TRUMP cries, hugs COHEN, and unsteadily makes his way out of the room.

Call Hannity...we need him now.

COHEN dials.

This is Mike Cohen. I’m calling for President Trump, at his request. You owe your president a service. He has no doubt that you will repay it. He will be at your office in one hour. Be there to greet him.

CUT TO: INTERIOR of HANNITY’s office at Fox News. The door opens on HANNITY standing at near-attention. REVERSE ANGLE reveals JARVANKA, POMPEO, SANDERS, and BOLTON entering, followed by TRUMP.

Well, my friend. Are you ready to do me this service?

Yes. What do you want me to do?

TRUMP walks over to HANNITY’s desk, which is covered in newspapers and printouts of online news reports. TVs play in the background.

I want you to use all your powers and all your skills. (TRUMP looks at the newspapers on HANNITY’s desk.) I don’t want my base to see me this way.

TRUMP flips sadly through the New York Times and begins crying as HANNITY looks on uncomfortably.

(Crying.) Look how they massacred my brand!