Greenwald: Five Weeks After the Guardian’s Viral Blockbuster Assange/Manafort Scoop, No Evidence Has Emerged – Just Stonewalling

The sordid story of the incapacity of Luke Harding (pictured below) for actual journalism deepens.

Read about all the news that's fit to print in the Guardian, a paper that does good work sometimes, when it's not clickbaiting.

When you fuck up, admit it. Fix it. Move on. Or, if you prefer, listen to the PR whores and cover it all up, destroying your credibility forever.

As in:

"In lieu of addressing the increasingly embarrassing scandal, the Guardian’s top editors and reporters on this story have practically gone into hiding, ignoring all requests for comment and referring journalists to a corporate PR official who provides a statement that is as vague and bureaucratic as it is nonresponsive. It’s easier to get a substantive comment from the NSA than it is from the Guardian on this story."