New Study Concludes Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Even In Winter

No worries: just a twenty-foot rise in sea levels if this sheet goes bye-bye. It's all a deep-state hoax, luckily, so we can keep on with our autosuicide with a clear conscience.

It's all about the children!

Here are the two articles Fraser is discussing:
  • Fraser, NJ and Inall ME (2018) Influence of barrier wind forcing on heat delivery towards the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123 (4)
Free abstract; paywall for full article.
Both abstract and full article freely available.

Here's some relevant commentary from MediaLens: "Remembrance: The Dehumanized Human." Gets at the psychological basis for this mass denial, which is just the other side of the coin of mass "remembrances" of those slaughtered for the ruling class--I mean, for the Nation, God, and Puppies!