War, Geopolitics, and History

Noam Chomsky, professor, linguistics, MIT
Robert Fisk, correspondent, The Independent

MIT Technology and Culture Forum
Sunday, April 9, 2006
MIT, Kresge Auditorium

Journalist Robert Fisk of the UK-based publication, The Independent, recounts his experiences traveling around the world and living in the Middle East, Fisk speaks on history and geopolitics in the Middle East. His focus is on the problems with journalism in the United States, which include an over-reliance on what government authorities say and the common mode of reporting 'from Baghdad' but entirely within the confines of a hotel room. Using newspaper articles and speeches from politicians, Fisk illustrates the lack of concern for Iraqis as human beings. Fisk's talk also looks at the Armenian genocide, which was downplayed in Western media. After the talk, Fisk fields questions ranging from the rumors of civil war in Iraq to the situation in Lebanon.

The event was organized by the Armenian National Committee's Eastern Region in conjunction with the Technology and Culture Forum at MIT and the Harvard Alliance for Justice in the Middle East. Additional sponsors included the MIT Thistle, the MIT Social Justice Cooperative, and the Nation Institute.